Saturday, May 3, 2014


In this day there are many women pushing for "equality" for women among men, the LDS church is no exemption where "feminists" are concerned. Recently I have spent a lot of time contemplating on why some feel they need to have the same things men have and or do, perhaps this desire comes from feeling less honored or respected. Men are frequently seen as the "leaders" in the church and we pray frequently for our "leaders", but the honor we hold for some of the great men in the LDS church is no different than the honor and respect they have for women.

As I read last night in Daughters in My Kingdom, I found an execellent quote by Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles , he said: “We believe in and are counting on your goodness and your strength, your propensity for virtue and valor, your kindness and courage, your strength and resilience. We believe in your mission as women of God. … We believe that the Church simply will not accomplish what it must without your faith and faithfulness, your innate tendency to put the well-being of others ahead of your own, and your spiritual strength and tenacity. And we believe that God’s plan is for you to become queens and to receive the highest blessings any woman can receive in time or eternity.”
To me, as I read this, it became very clear that we are equal to men. We are sacred and beautiful in their eyes. We are just as important in carrying forth the gospel as the men, although our roles may be different. How grateful I am for the role I play and the reminder I have been given that I am important in the Church and in God's eyes.

1 comment:

Nick and Ashley said...

As I have thought about this, I think.. why can't these sisters search for answers on their own. We all have questions and we all can have answers. We do it through thought and prayer. But instead they have to throw a big fuss and have someone else find their answer. They will never be satisfied until they turn to prayer and ask their Heavenly Father. (btw love the quote)