You know I have always hated the word pee. Well now it's not just a matter of hate, I detest it! It is such a gross word, but what could describe urine better, it's just GROSS!
So once again I am up in the middle of the night because I was cleaning up, what else, pee. If it's not Steele, it's Gideon. If it's not Gideon, it's Skillet (our chihuahua). If it's not cleaning it up, it's me running to the bathroom to pee thanks to this little person growing inside.
But seriously, I have a new appreciation for mothers this morning at 4:30am. I never realized just how gross motherhood could be. However, I suppose that is what makes it so wonderful. I believe the scripture reads, "for it must needs be, that there is an
oppposition in all things,"
the scripture then goes on to say if not so, then we could not know good or bad.
So basically I have had some pretty gross experiences over the last few years and now that I have 2 children and a dog it seems that those experiences are more frequent. Yet, as bad as cleaning up pee can be, the joy I get from my family is ten times greater. I am so thankful Heavenly Father has a plan. A plan that included some gross experiences, because without it, how would I know that my life is really PERFECT!